Friday 4 November 2011

Testimony of Michael Frazer

If one could write out God’s grace to a sinner such as me this computer could not hold it. When Jesus Christ entered my heart at the age of eight, a sinner moved from light into darkness. Such a testimony may appear mundane to others, I was not steeped in drugs or alcohol, or exposed to the horrors of the world, but I knew that I was a sinner, and there is only one name given under heaven that can save. With childlike faith I knelt at the bottom of my bed and gave my heart and my sin to the saviour. From that day in my bedroom, the Lord Jesus Christ has been my friend and my leader, and he knows the way, for he is it. Joshua 1:5 says that “Just as I was with Moses so will I be with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you”. And so my testimony is this; that he never has left me, nor forsaken me.

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