Friday 4 November 2011

Testimony of Evelyn Wright

Hello, my name is Evelyn Wright, When Jesus said on
the cross, ït is finished", it was reqally only the
beginnning. But as i look back I did notgrasp at the
time what His words truly meant. Let us all be honest,
it is only when something really bad happens in our
lives that God really means a lot to us! Then, when
everything is well again, we fail to cry out to Him
as we should and we get caught up in other things.

When I look back a number of years to April 6th 1994,
to the terrible tragedy, the murder of my daughter
Margaret, it was then only when I began really trusting
the Lord for everything. I learned to leave all at His
feet, that I may be bought closer to God.

No matter what happens in your life, however bad
it seems. God will give that special peace and Grace
when you put Him first in everything, and wait upon
Him. Never lean on your own understanding in
spiritual matters, take God at His word and wait upon
Him. Lets face it, who else can we go to? Our departed
loved ones have simply emigrated to a new home
and we will all follow later.

The love He has for us took Him to the cross. We are
His people, so take the love He has given to and
extend it to others who need comfort in their time
of sorrow. It's not so hard to do when Jesus paid it
all. Praise the Lord.

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